Welcome to Song of the Morning Yoga and Meditation Retreat

A Yoga and Meditation Retreat of Excellence

  • Spiritual Foundation

    Spiritual living is our core and our inspiration. Our daily meditation, yoga practice and study are established in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Through our discipleship and dedication to this path, we find joy in serving those who come here seeking spiritual nourishment.

  • Fellowship & Community

    For over 50 years we’ve been a spiritual home for thousands who come from near and far. Inspired by a vision of “world brotherhood”, our bonds of friendship and Community are based on how we can support one another spiritually, for a day or for a lifetime.

  • Beautiful & Pristine Land

    Nature is sacred to us and our forest sanctuary has a healing, rejuvenating presence. As caretakers of 800 acres graced by the Pigeon River, we invite guests to enjoy our Shrine Trails and enjoy God in Nature.

"The excellence of Yoga is that it points out both the goal and the way."

— Paramahansa Yogananda

New to Spiritual Retreats?

For over 50 years our community has supported a thriving Yoga and Meditation Retreat. We specialize in helping you experience spiritual living in a simple and profound way so that you can return home with a renewed spirit and a commitment to create a balanced life.

“The science of Yoga teaches the highest culture of all phases of existence - physical, mental, and spiritual.” —Yogacharya Black

Plans for the Future

We recently launched a legacy campaign at Song of the Morning. We plan to restore all existing buildings and then build a new structure that will increase our capacity for our growing future.

Prayer Requests

We invite you to offer a loved one’s name for our daily Healing Prayer. As part of Self-Realization Fellowship’s “Worldwide Prayer Council”, we practice the Healing Prayer for all requests we’ve received. Your request is kept confidential and is printed and placed on our altar where it will remain for 30 days.

Discover the joy of seeking God together

  • Our History & Teachings

    Song of the Morning's rich history spans over 50 years and is rooted in an ancient lineage.

  • Retreats & Events

    We offer a variety of retreat programs and special events year round.

  • Karma Yoga Program

    Our one-month program is an immersive experience in applying Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings in daily life, work, and community.

Divine Giving

When you make a donation to Song of the Morning, you are directly supporting our mission to serve humanity through our Yoga and Meditation Retreat, and to provide a supportive community in living Paramahansa Yogananda’s ideals of harmonizing body, mind and soul on the path of Self-Realization.

“The beauty of the moon, the expanse of the blue sky, the splendor of the starry heavens, are but expressions of the beauty and omnipresence of God. The songbird and the brook lispingly warble the divine notes that are fragments of the Music hidden within all creation.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda