About Song of the Morning
A yoga and meditation retreat of excellence that serves as a place of relaxation and spiritual refreshment to seekers and long-time devotees.
Song of the Morning is a non-profit retreat center and spiritual community nestled on 800 acres of pristine forest and the flowing Pigeon River in northern Michigan. Year-round, we welcome spiritual seekers from all paths and traditions to enjoy spiritual refreshment and relaxation. Since its beginnings in 1970, Song of the Morning has become a spiritual home for thousands who live near and far.
We feel privileged to be stewards of this sacred place, to care for the land, to serve one another and those who visit, and to be committed to fulfilling the sacred mission of Yogacharya J. Oliver Black, who founded Song of the Morning at the behest of his guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, known as “The Father of Yoga in the West”.
Through the devotion of its supporters, visitors, community members and staff, Song of the Morning has become imbued with a spiritual vibration.
This subtle vibration, along with the beautiful natural surroundings of the Pigeon River, continues to provide solace, support and ample opportunity for many to experience tremendous spiritual growth.
It is not only what we do, but who we are and how we came to be that makes Song of the Morning so much more than a retreat center in northern Michigan. Our shared goal of Self-Realization is anchored by our evening meditations, Sunday Services, various spiritual retreats and workshops, selfless service, and endless opportunities for spiritual fellowship.
Whether you come as a guest on retreat or live here full-time, the deeper intent and purpose is the same: to blossom spiritually, deepen your own Self-Realization, and discover and strengthen the bedrock of your divine life.

“As Master said, environment is stronger than will, so it behooves us to create consciously our own spiritual environment surrounded by dear ones of like mind.”
— Yogacharya Oliver Black speaking about the Ranch
Our Mission & Vision
Song of the Morning’s mission and vision, as set forth by Yogacharya Oliver Black, is to further the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Self-Realization Fellowship, together with the establishment of a world-brotherhood retreat and community. Song of the Morning is owned and operated by Golden Lotus Inc., a nonprofit organization whose Board of Directors manage and guide the Retreat, the residential Clear Light Community, and future visionary projects.
Golden Lotus is rooted in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of Self-Realization Fellowship. His essential teaching is the science of Kriya Yoga and yoga’s broader practical applications that enable us to achieve wellness in body, mind and soul. In harmony with this individual aspiration is the expansive and inclusive teaching of the essential unity of all religions and the brotherhood of mankind through friendship and the universal experience of the Divine.
When you visit Song of the Morning Retreat, our hope is that you can experience spiritual refreshment and relaxation. Everything we do at the retreat is designed to create an environment that supports your spiritual life, whether you are a beginner or a long-time devotee.
Harmony ~ Joy ~ Community ~ Authenticity ~ Devotion ~ Service ~ Friendship ~
Golden Lotus Board Updates
The Golden Lotus Board strives to communication regularly with our membership through an annual letter, an opening meeting in spring, a “Friends & Members” weekend in the autumn.
Our Lineage & History
Although Song of the Morning was founded over 50 years ago, our rich and fascinating story goes back much further to the sacred land of India and the arrival in America of one of her spiritual masters, Paramahansa Yogananda.
The Land
Nestled next to the Pigeon River State Forest, Song of the Morning offers an opportunity to experience Nature in a sacred way, as expressed in one of Sri Yogananda’s chants, “Spirit and Nature dancing together”. Our Shrine trails provide scenic views of the forest and river with abundant opportunities for wildlife viewing. Experience the healing effects of Nature’s stillness and vibrant life—Song of the Morning’s majestic beauty captures your heart and soul!