Karma Yoga Program
Karma Yoga is a spiritual practice where we serve the needs of the moment without the focus on personal gain. It means seeing every interaction and task as an opportunity to serve the Divine in all.
Is this program for you?
Our one-month program is rooted in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi and the founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship. It is an immersive, practical experience in using Yogananda’s yogic principles throughout your day. It may be right for you if you are looking for:
Exploration of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings.
Experience living a balanced life of meditation and service.
Spiritual tools to help you navigate life’s challenges.
Commitment to a regular meditation practice.
Desire to grow and develop interpersonal skills for living in community.
You are at least 18-years-old and able to work a minimum of four hours per day.
You want to apply Paramahansa Yogananda’s principles to your daily life.
You are willing to consider work an important part of your spiritual practice.
You agree to attend regular meditations and group practices.
You have the ability to live and work harmoniously in close quarters in a communal environment.
Have visited Song of the Morning within the last year as a guest, to meet the current program coordinators and community members.
Have read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Have attended SRF or Song of the Morning meditations online or in person.
February 5- March 2
March 5 - March 30
April 23 - May 20
June 4 -29
July 2 - July 27
August 6 - August 31
September 3 - 28
October 8 - November 2
November 5 - 23
December 10 - January 4

What can you expect?
Our Karma Yoga program is a one-month experience. You’ll experience a weekly balance of structured service, sadhana (spiritual practice), and free time. You’ll be scheduled for approximately 25-26 hours of work, which does not include meal clean up which we do as a group. Service shifits are scheduled Wednesday through Sunday. Monday and Tuesday are days off, unless we are running a special event. See a sample schedule here.
Your areas of service will be in the kitchen, housekeeping, garden, and grounds. Work assignments give you an opportunity to “practice the presence of God” during your activities.
Work assignments may include chopping vegetables and other meal prep, washing dishes and general cleanup, house-keeping, cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry, gardening, mowing grass, and simple maintenance projects around the retreat. For some tasks you’ll work along-side of retreat staff, but there are times you may work on your own.
Group meditations are offered five evenings a week and incorporate chanting or other practices. Attending is a core component of this program.
Several evenings during the week there is group practice before meditation that include: Yogananda’s affirmations, Energization Exercises, or healing prayer techniques. Hatha yoga is offered on Saturday afternoon. Attending two of these group sessions per week is required.
Adjacent to the retreat is a residential community of about 30 people who are an integral part of retreat life. You’ll have opportunities to meet community members during Sunday dinners, social get-togethers, and special events.
Community residents lead some of the group meditations, services, and a variety of other activities.
You’ll have opportunities to meet community members informally during Sunday dinners, social get-togethers, and special events.
Our program provides a balance of outward service with inner renewal. We encourage you to take advantage of your free time for personal study, introspection, journaling, and immersing yourself in our beautiful hiking trails.
We offer a library of Self-Realization Fellowship books and other resources for you to use. You’ll have access to Song of the Morning’s 800 acres of wild and beautiful riverside woodlands. We encourage you to explore miles of trails at Song of the Morning and in the surrounding Pigeon River Country State forest. Other nature activities include swimming, kayaking, canoeing, biking, and birding.

“The path of Karma Yoga is the path of uniting the soul with God through selfless activity.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Living and working at a spiritual retreat
An essential part of our karma yoga program is learning to live harmoniously within a group. Paramahansa Yogananda has many practical guidelines for getting along with others. Song of the Morning has a Group Harmony Agreement that we all strive to follow.
Please click here to read our Group Harmony Agreement.
Our commitment to one another is to bring our best selves to every interaction, to honor the divinity within each and all, and when faced with challenges, to look inward for solutions rather than pointing fingers at others.
We see our interactions and relationships with others as opportunities to grow spiritually within a culture of kindness, compassion, and good humor.
Other requirements:
No tobacco, marijuana, smoking of any kind, alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed on the retreat property, and coming onto the property under the influence is prohibited.
Although we understand that pets are wonderful companions, we’re not able to accommodate them at the retreat.
We want your experience at Song of the Morning to be positive and enriching, and this requires that applicants are in a place in their lives to meet the fullness of what this experience offers. If you are in the midst of a life trauma, emotional upheaval or instability that might require professional support beyond the informal support of community living, the karma yoga program is likely not a good match for you at this time. Should you have any questions, please contact our programs coordinator at programs@songofthemorning.org.
In exchange for your valuable service, you’ll receive room and board. Karma yogis live and work in retreat housing, either a small private room or dormitory, with shared bathroom facilities.
Bedding and towels are provided, and you’ll have access to the laundry facilities. High-speed internet is available throughout all retreat buildings.
You’ll have access to a well-stocked vegetarian kitchen to prepare your own meals Monday through Thursday. Group meals are typically prepared Friday through Sunday. Gluten-free and dairy-free options are available. If you have special dietary needs, please talk to us personally.
(Approximately 4-6 hours of Karma Yoga per day)
8:00-9:00 Morning Sadhana
9:00-11:00 Breakfast on your own and personal time
11:00-12:00 Satsang with community member or study time (Friday: Karma Yoga 1 hour)
12:00-12:30 Sadhana with staff
12:30-1:30 Lunch on your own and personal time
1:30-5:00 Karma yoga
5:00 Dinner, kitchen clean up, personal time
7:45-9:00 Evening Meditation
Saturday and Sunday schedule will vary depending on guest programs
Monday-Tuesday: Days off
Next Steps:
To help you determine if our program is right for you, we suggest the following before you apply:
Visit us for 2-3 days to get to know us. Reach out to our office to inquire about arrangements, or book a retreat on our website.
Attend in-person or virtual Song of the Morning meditations. Click here to learn more and join.
Attend in-person or virtual GLYTA Hatha Yoga classes. Click here for free online classes.
Have read or begin reading Autobiography of a Yogi, the yoga classic by Paramahansa Yogananda
View the movie Awake - The Life of Yogananda