Enjoy Our Spiritual Retreats
Spiritual refreshment and relaxation
We offer a variety of guided retreats to support the spiritual needs one may have in different phases of life. From our Inner Peace Retreats designed for beginners and newcomers, to Spiritual Living Retreats that cover a variety of practical and wellness themes, to our Golden Lotus Retreats designed for disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda—we are sure that you will find spiritual sustenance year-round at Song of the Morning.

“Every person needs a retreat, a dynamo of silence where they may go for the exclusive purpose of being recharged by the Infinite.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Inner Peace Retreats
These monthly retreats are perfect for those new to spiritual retreat or who have never been to Song of the Morning.
Perhaps you’re looking to re-balance your life, or to find rejuvenating peace and a spiritual boost through meditation and yoga. This retreat is designed to give you that and much more, so that you return home with renewed spirit and focus.
Guided by experienced members who are steeped in Paramahansa Yogananda’s yogic way of life, you will join the community, staff and guests through a relaxing and supportive weekend of meditation, yoga, nature hikes, and spiritual fellowship.
2 – 4 p.m. – Check-in
5 p.m. – Dinner
7 p.m. – Introduction and Welcome: How to Make the Most of Your Retreat with Q&A
8 p.m. – Community Meditation (chanting, prayer, silent meditation, and healing service)
8:45-10:00 a.m. – Group Spiritual Practices (Energization Exercises, Chanting, Meditation)
10 a.m. – Brunch
11:30 a.m. – Spirit & Nature Experience (approx. 90 min.)
2 p.m. – Hatha Yoga (90 min.)
5 p.m. – Dinner
7 p.m. Spiritual Sharing Circle
7:45 – Community Meditation (chanting, prayer, silent meditation, and healing service)
8:30 a.m. – Hatha Yoga
9:45 a.m. – Closing Session
11 a.m. – Self-Realization Sunday Service Reading (75 min.) – based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda
1 p.m. – Sunday Community Dinner
Experience yoga—the union of soul with Spirit
Spiritual Living Retreats
These retreats offer a variety of practical “how-to-live” subjects that enrich and balance our lives. Supplemental to Paramahansa Yogananda’s expanded teachings, these are a great way to benefit from the expertise and experience shared by our presenters.
Golden Lotus Retreats & Events
These guided retreats focus on Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual teachings, along with Yogacharya’s legacy. Ideal for guests wanting to delve deeper into the practice and devotion of this path.
Guest Teacher Retreats
These retreats are led by guest teachers from other paths and traditions who have a longstanding friendship with the Song of the Morning. In a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, these retreats foster universal understanding.

“The mist of silence and mystery that hangs over everything will slowly vanish before the dawning light of your mental and devotional search for God.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Personal Retreat
Enjoy a quiet getaway on a self-guided personal retreat. Personal retreats provide guests with the flexibility to unplug, unwind and refresh the body, mind and soul on their own schedule. Guests enjoy all the offerings our retreat center provides, including opportunities to join our nightly community meditation services and Saturday hatha yoga classes.
2 – 4 p.m. – Check-in
5 p.m. – Dinner
8 p.m. – SOM Meditation (prayer, guidance, silence and healing service)
10 a.m. – Brunch
2 p.m. – Hatha Yoga (1 hour)
5 p.m. – Dinner
8 p.m. – SOM Meditation
11 a.m. – Sunday Service (75 min.) – based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda
1 p.m. – Sunday Community Dinner
No scheduled activities
Tuesday – Thursday:
8 p.m. – SOM Meditation
Dedicated to the healing of body, mind and soul.

“Learn to still your restless mind.”
— Yogacharya Oliver Black
Visit for the day
There are ample opportunities to explore Song of the Morning, even just in a day. If you live nearby or are passing through, we encourage visitors to join us for our weekly activities and events, or simply to take a stroll on our trails and say hello!
Special Events
Song of the Morning hosts a variety of annual events. All are welcome! Learn more about these special occasions below.
Every summer the Clear Light Community - the residential community surrounding Song of the Morning - chooses a day to celebrate our community by bringing everyone together to learn new things as well as to help us as we explore how our community is growing. And at the end of the day we gather at someone’s house to have some time together. Community Day is open to everyone and it is a really great way to get the feel of what living among spiritually-minded friends is like in Clear Light Community.
In late summer Song of the Morning hosts our family-friendly Spirit and Nature Festival. This unique event features festive music, sacred kirtan, storytelling from our local indigenous community, daily hatha yoga, guided meditations, themed nature walks, children’s workshops and joyous fellowship under the sun and the stars!
Every September, our community comes together to celebrate Song of the Morning’s founder, Yogacharya J. Oliver Black on his birthday.
Each year the Golden Lotus Board hosts a weekend where members can come together to enjoy fellowship, hear updates from the Board, and contribute their voice.
Visits from the monks and nuns of the Self-Realization Fellowship are a highlight at our Retreat. Programs have included Regional Retreat, Kriya initiations, and many special visits and satsangs bringing together the devotees from the greater region and those who live right here in our spiritual community founded on Yogananadaji’s vision.
Song of the Morning is a place of exquisite peace and beauty during the holiday season, and the perfect place for those feeling pulled inward into spiritual reflection. Experience the peace and joy of the season embraced by a warm and welcoming community celebrating and honoring the spiritual energy within the 12 days from Jesus Christ’s to Paramahansa Yogananda’s birthday (January 5).

Retreat Programs: A Community Endeavor
Retreats at Song of the Morning are often led by experienced community and staff who have been initiated in the Kriya Yoga path of Paramahansa Yogananda. We work together to guide guests through a weekend of meditation, yoga practice, nature hikes, spiritual study and discussion. Our goal is always simple: To provide guests with spiritual refreshment and relaxation.