First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Primary Phone
We require that participants in our Karma Yoga program have health insurance coverage.
I have insurance coverage.
I am in the process of obtaining insurance.
I plan to purchase travel insurance.
We like to take photos of people participating in our programs and retreats to share on places like our social media page and newsletter. Are you OK with (possibly) having your picture taken?
Sure, no problem.
No, thank you. I'm not comfortable with this.
Yes, but if I am the main subject of a photo I would like the photographer to ask permission before taking the picture.
Do you have a valid drivers license?
Will you be bringing and using a personal vehicle?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have.
To determine if this program is a right fit for you, please read the Karma Yoga information page.
This page can be found at
Yes, I have read the information page
Please select which of the following apply to you:
Check all that apply.
I have read or am currently reading Autobiography of a Yogi
I have attended in person or virtual Golden Lotus Hatha Yoga classes.
I have attended in person or virtual Self-Realization Fellowship services.
I have watched the documentary "Awake: The Life of Yogananda"
I am enrolled in the SRF Lessons.
I have visited Song of the Morning as a guest.
I am at least 18-years-old and able to work a minimum of four hours per day.
Tell us why you want to participate in the karma yoga program at Song of the Morning. Please be specific about your intention, goals, and what you want to experience.
Select the date you would like to take the program.
March 6 - April 2
May 8 - June 4
June 5 - July 2
July 3 - Sept. 5 (Two months, includes Spirit & Nature Festival)
July 24 - Sept. 5 (includes Spirit & Nature Festival)
September 4 - October 1
October 2 - October 29
October 30 - November 26
December 4 - January 7, 2025
For the "work exchange" component, Karma Yoga Program participants are typically assigned simple, manual labor jobs. Please read the following list of common tasks, and share with us your experience and comfort with work of this kind. Please also let us know if you have any physical limitations, phobias or other restrictions that would impact you:
- Dish washing in a commercial kitchen which can include long hours on your feet during busy retreats
- Housekeeping using a variety of cleaning products
- Detail oriented deep cleaning projects that may require bending and squatting
- Shoveling snow from walk ways during winter
- Simple home improvement projects such as painting
- Using ladders to access lights and areas that need dusting or cleaning
What other skills do you hope to contribute during your time at Song of the Morning?
Do you have a certain area in which you are interested in working or skills you are interested in learning?
Please share what, if any, spiritual path you are on.
Are you familiar with Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings? If so explain how.
We highly recommend those interested in a staff position who are not yet familiar with Yogananda's teachings to first apply for our Karma Yoga Program.
One of the core spiritual practices that our karma yoga program offers is an opportunity to practice selfless service. Tell us about an experience you've had with service and what you gained or learned.
Have you ever lived in a community setting or in a shared living space? Please describe your experience.
What did you enjoy? What did you find challenging? What skills or perspective do you feel you'll bring into this community living experience? If you haven't lived in community, consider sharing about time spent with roommates or even short-term experiences.
What do you hope to experience by living in community at Song of the Morning?
Please share with us of the context of your relationship with this person.
Please share with us of the context of your relationship with this person.
Please share with us of the context of your relationship with this person.
Is there any other information that we should consider to help us determine your compatibility with this program?