Online Spiritual Community
Spiritual Book Study
Established in 2023, the book study is now reading The Second Coming of Christ and meets weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. EST via Zoom.
We welcome you to join a session no matter how far along through the book the group may be. This is a great opportunity to engage with our wider Song of the Morning community and connect with other spiritual seekers!
Facilitated by Song of the Morning friend and fellow devotee Sunny Johnson-Lemieux, the best way to receive updates about the book study’s progress is through the Virtual Book Study Facebook group.
To join the Zoom call, click the button below and use the password “bookstudy” with no space between the words. If you have any questions or would like to join by phone, please contact our Office.
Each session begins and closes with a short meditation and prayer. Passages from the book are read aloud amongst attendees, with moments of quiet introspection and group discussion sprinkled throughout.
You do not need to own the book, but we recommend having a copy to study on your own time and read along with during the online gatherings.
The format of the book study is designed to make attending as easy and nourishing as possible while creating a communal environment of spiritual learning and expansion.
Prayer/Affirmations at the beginning and end of the study.
A reminder at the beginning of each study to stay on topic. The books we read are filled with compelling, thought provoking ideas and we invite the many ideas this may bring to your mind. While we appreciate you sharing, please keep what you share within the topic being discussed and keep it positive!
We will stop as the storyline/topic shifts to discuss what was just read.
When speaking, try to limit comments to a minute or so.
We encourage all participants to read from the text, if you have a copy available. Reading out-loud is a special experience. Allow these rich spiritual words to flow from your voice. It's a special blessing for you and those listening.
You do not need to own the book, but we recommend having a copy to study on your own time and read along with during the online gatherings.
Those who don't share as often may be asked what they're thinking. This is to broaden all of our understanding of the book and to avoid the talkative ones from dominating the conversation. No pressure though, feel free to pass!
If you have a comment, please raise your hand! This helps avoid people talking over each other.
The Zoom meeting will open at 6:20 to give people time to socialize. T book study will start right at 6:30 p.m. EST to maximize the amount of wisdom we can glean in our one hour together.
“Read from the book of life that is hidden within, in the omniscience of the soul, just behind the darkness of closed eyes.”
— Journey to Self-Realization
Weekly Meditation Group
We are happy to invite you into our virtual meditation group, an initiative by the Song of the Morning Spiritual Life Council and Friends of the Ranch. This weekly meditation takes place on Zoom every Tuesday at 7 p.m. EST. The format follows Song of the Morning's nightly devotional meditation services, including chanting, prayer, healing service, and a 30-40 minute period of silent meditation.
The Zoom Room opens at 6:40 p.m. to allow those who wish to socialize the ability to chat freely prior to starting the meditation promptly at 7:00. All are invited to join on a weekly basis, or to drop in as you are able. It is a great boon and a benefit to gather together in this way, supporting each other and elevating our spiritual practice.
The Zoom room password is Meditate.
New to meditation at Song of the Morning? Explore our group meditation guide.
“Read a little. Meditate more. Think of God all the time.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda