Golden Lotus
Hatha Yoga
at Song of the Morning
Join our meditative hatha yoga classes in our Golden Lotus tradition!
Classes are provided on a donation basis.
Sign up:
Please register for your class at least one day (24-hours) before it occurs.
What to expect:
All classes are taught in the Golden Lotus Yoga style developed by our founder Yogacharya J. Oliver Black in the 1950s.
Classes are slow-paced, gentle, meditative and designed for most body types and all levels of experience - from the beginner to the advanced.
Each class contains short meditations and is infused with spiritual inspiration to set the tone and attune you with the sacred being that you are. After a Golden Lotus class, you can expect to experience tension relief, deep peace, mental clarity and an uplifted spirit.
All classes are free but donations are welcome to help support our ability to continue offering these classes for all!

“Heavenly Father, my body cells are made of light, my fleshy cells are made of Thee. They are Spirit, for Thou art Spirit.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda in Metaphysical Meditations
About the Instructors
Each week, a rotating group of volunteer teachers lead these classes. Teachers for these classes are certified through GLYTA’s 200-hour yoga teacher training program. All of our teachers have been initiated into Kriya Yoga, the sacred pranayama and meditation technique, brought to America by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Yoga Teacher Training
Founded by Yogacharya J. Oliver Black, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, this hatha yoga training is centered in and around the principles and practices of Self Realization Fellowship, and the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Our 200-hour yoga training program takes place at Song of the Morning and provides participants with teacher certification.